(GTA in common people), also known as one of the most popular computer games created by mankind, for a long time already has outgrown stuffy concept "cult". GTA is a phenomenon, the whole phenomenon. On its basis write dissertations on sociology, the reason of its success is studied by psychologists, about it, muddling everything, that is possible, speak on TV. Even people, it is weak to itself representing, that such interactive electronic entertainments, know: "GTA is where it is possible to hijack any car, to press pedestrians and to shoot on whom you want".
If to leave behind brackets obvious theses about full freedom and nonlinearity very interesting nuance will be found out: almost all GTA-clones are for some reason devoted either to gangsters, or geeks, or both those, and another simultaneously (see Scarface: The World is Yours, series True Crime, Saints Row). That is it turns out, that freedom and nonlinearity are necessary only under condition of the negative protagonist. Actually is still easier - GTA appreciate not only and not so much freedom, how many for permissiveness and impunity. It in general the central theme almost all Rockstar-games, and in this occasion they continue to express with ferro-concrete persistence.
Announced this year Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas Rockstar suggest to consider as subsections Grand Theft Auto 3; besides, on PSP also left GTA Liberty City Stories and GTA Vice City Stories) becomes the first new GTA for six years (!). Here it is important to notice here that: the third part differed from first two approximately as DOOM 3 from DOOM. Having moved then, in 2001 (speech about the PS2-version, on PC the release has taken place one year later), in full 3D, Rockstar have amazed all in the heart - it seemed, that so does not happen: the wind carries on newspaper streets, the present pedestrians crowd on the Fifth avenue, taxi hoot, traffic lights work. And so, on the subsequent three pages we try to understand, is how much serious Grand Theft Auto 4 will
change our representation that such GTA.
Returning in Liberti-city.
By the invitation of the cousin of the Novel our new alter-ego Niko Bellic arrives to Liberti-city already forgotten partially by us, certainly, to begin a new life. The novel asserts, that is in a city of freedom is simply more tremendous: saunas and minor models are included into the obligatory complete set. In practice it appears, that the life Rums is far from fantastic - it the owner of an unprofitable taxi pool, was up to the ears in debt and besides was got involved in serious problems with police and variety of gangster groupings. To disentangle all it it is necessary to his brother, that is us.
Niko - the classical GTA-hero, besides the emigrant from the Eastern Europe (but it is exact not from Russia; probably, from the former Yugoslavia), that multiplies traditional heroic qualities approximately twice. Having arrived to Liberti-city in hope to find the best life, it casually gets to circulation of troubles, to get out from which obviously it is necessary long and painfully. But NIko, of course, not the unique hero in this history. First, an important figure is Kid Jacob, the old friend to the Novel at whom always it is possible to get the necessary weapon. Secondly, Фрэнсис Макрири, selling коп which is perfectly informed on somebody a crime, made Нико in the remote past. Well and, thirdly, it is girl Lola which role while
is unknown. But concerning Лолы there are much more stunning news. Ukrainian singer Ruslana, the winner of competition "Евровидение-2004", is officially confirmed as a voice of the heroine. Besides, in intragame radio it will be possible to hear some songs Русланы (except it, Russian hip-hop is declared also!).
Liberti-city from the moment of our last meeting has endured set of changes and began to resemble even more the prototype - New York. All key areas and sights are recreated practically. As to sights Freedom Statue here is called as the Happiness Statue. Debut preview trailer GTA 4 has there and then managed to do to noise: under music of classical minimalist Phillip Glassa (it was used in a film "Койянискаци: the Life out of balance"; places тизер it frankly quoted) the chamber showed three-dimensional kinds of Liberti-city, which many have there and then accepted for New York. The problem consisted that display of sights was supplied with comment Нико: " I killed people, kidnapped, sold people. Probably, here all will be in another way ". The mayor of New York has there and then made condemning speech and has informed, that will not allow to expose New York as the international capital криминала, but at Rockstar on it here already there is an answer prepared six years ago:" At us any not New York, and Liberti-city ".
The in itself territory in GTA 4 will appear less, than in GTA San Andreas. Developers confirm this information, adding, that territory reduction only has gone Liberti-city on advantage - a city now where is more densely populated and worked. However, thereupon it was necessary to refuse planes - within Liberti-city on them simply there is no place to fly. Helicopters, however nobody cancelled.
Nextgen? Already I want!
GTA 4 works on own cursor of authorship Rockstar North which is called RAGE (see it in Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis for Xbox 360). With technologies at Rockstar always, by the way, there was some hitch. Exhausted and almost cursor RenderWare not raped by them (on which many Rockstar-projects - for example, The Warriors continue to leave, Bully) for consoles of new generation, of course, does not approach. But here under the Hamburg account screenshots from the fourth do not look any transcendental greetings from the future.
On the other hand, qualitative models (characters of the foreground), accurate structures, juicy effects have especially well gone right - all it is availab
le. And the most important thing - thanks to corresponding technologies we will receive, at last, normal range of a portrayal. That is funny situations with appeared from anywhere column will not arise any more.
Separate dithyrambs are deserved by animation - as a physical cursor technology Euphoria is used fashionable today (it is involved in future Star Wars: Force Unleashed). With it developers can model motor function of a body, not leaning on in advance created animation. Easier speaking, how Niko will run, go or creep, depends on a relief, a covering, a corner of an inclination and still set of factors.
Cars appearing from air and pedestrians (one more sick theme GTA) also it will be solved. Certain similarity Radiant AI from The Elder Scrolls 4 is promised: Oblivion. That is at each inhabitant (now with unique appearance!) there will be purposes. Only not global, but local - like "to approach, buy ice-cream, to sit down on a bench and to eat it". And now present, that these purposes (absolutely different, certainly) simultaneously are carried out by 100 persons. And even 1000. The same concerns cars - if you have noticed edge of an eye the car it will not be dissolved in air behind the nearest turn, and necessarily somewhere will park.
The following point in our list of pleasure from new technologies - evolutionary growth of possibilities. It is possible to come now in where as a considerable quantity of buildings, than earlier. In some skyscrapers it is possible to wander on floors. The habitual thing like stealing of cars looks now differently - at times it will be necessary to crack locks (whether will be it обставленно in the form of minigame while it is not clear), and also to beat out glasses, to open a door from the inside.
Well and a gameplay. This time creation of game process passes under the motto "we will get rid of all conventions!". So, a victim and objects of tasks will not be designated by red markers as it was earlier. That is if you kill the person who is at this time in crowd, - it is necessary most to calculate, who from people your purpose. The most simple way - to call it on mobile (if there is number).
By the way about mobile - now at it in game the extremely important role. First, by means of a mobile phone it is possible to call a taxi. Secondly, on phone chamber screenshots become. Thirdly, on the mobile all your current tasks (and they can be carried out on some pieces simultaneously) are displayed. Fourthly, from a mobile phone it is possible to call to subject characters, and also to accept from them calls and SMS.
The action too has undergone serious changes. NIko can use any object as shelter, that is drop to it and shoot, say, because of the car - both precisely, and at random. To drag with itself the whole abyss of the weapon in an invisible pocket it will be impossible. By the way, the most part of shelters from which can shoot Нико, and a part of scenery to itself is quite destroyed.
Mutual relations with police have changed. The rating of its aggression is again presented by six stars, but now the police has an action radius in which limits they can catch you. The the crime, the radius is heavier more. Peace officers will operate more harmoniously - developers consult to the present policemen. But instead of conditional repainting of the car (which worked even on eyes for all regional home guard) you can simply replace авто in deserted quarter - it will be enough. But pedestrians have learnt to report on breaking and stealing of the parked cars.
The taxi plays now the important role in your process of formation as the criminal magnate. It not only can finish Niko in any point of a city, but also in case of wound automatically delivers in the nearest hospital and if are hungry - in a snackbar (is to our hero former it is necessary). Except a taxi, there is a public transport (buses and trains) for which also it is possible пользоватья and which goes under the schedule (hangs at any stop).
To Liberti-city at last have spent the universal Internet - the exit in online is possible practically from any computer (but also the old kind Internet cafe from GTA 3 anywhere has not got to). Through a world wide web the weapon is bought, there are new tasks and the site of acquaintances is visited.
And on the snack, one of the main news to admirers - in GTA 4 will be the licensed cars! Are already declared: Ferrari, Porsche Carrera, Volkswagen Jetta, BMW and "Mustangs".
At present GTA 4 it is officially announced only for Xbox 360 and PS3. But that game will appear and on computers to doubt it is not necessary - a question only when. The exclusive content (the situation is not limited to banal cars, the weapon and levels - Microsoft seriously declare new episodes, each of which adds till 10 o'clock a gameplay) will be accessible only for Xbox to the 360-version. In Rockstar speak: "If you eventually wish to see GTA 4 in all magnificence, it is necessary to buy certainly prefix Microsoft". To panic in this occasion it is not necessary are habitual marketing games which us poorly concern. As PC - close relative Xbox 360.
The version for consoles, by the way, should leave in this autumn, but not so long ago there was a carrying over for spring of 2008. It, most likely, means, that we should wait till 2009. That still torture, of course, but "Игромания" promises to keep you informed, and we will necessarily make detailed analysis of the console version. And that at some, whether know, nerves hand over.